Last week, we talked about three important rules for interacting socially at business events. But what about when you’re ready to get the job done – that is, exchanging information, talking about your brand and bringing home the ROI for the reputation you earned by engaging properly and being on your best behavior? You may be handing out resumes, key chains or info packets, but no matter what – you’ve got a job to do. Here’s how to pass along your info without being pushy or unprofessional:
4. Make concrete plans. If you speak to someone who might make a perfect pairing for you or your company, don’t just say you’ll be in touch. Tell them that you’ll send an e-mail that evening or call their office on Monday – and then actually do it. Setting and meeting concrete goals is an often-overlooked, easy way to establish yourself as a trustworthy individual who would be good to work with. When reaching out, be sure to reference where and when you met that person, as well as something you spoke about. It may also be a good idea to connect through LinkedIn or Facebook, where your personal image or company logo will accompany your message, making it simple for them to remember you from a crowd of new names and faces at your networking event. And …
5. Always be prepared. The worst thing that can possibly happen is to be asked for your business card or promotional materials and not have anything on hand. No, it won’t simply due to rattle off your company’s website and hope that they remember; it’s not even good enough to exchange e-mail addresses or digits. A physical reminder of your meeting is an important part of carving your niche. So even if you’re just running down the ice machine, you might want to have a card or brochure in your pocket. Similarly …
6. Know your key messages by heart. Yes, you need to have a few sound bites memorized about your position as well as the business at large. These can be short phrases or even fun facts; just be genuine when delivering them so that they don’t make you seem corny or insincere. Polish up that elevator speech so that you can explain what you do in a concise and interesting way. You will be asked questions about your company – and even if you answer four correctly, your audience is more likely to remember the fifth that you didn’t know. Brush up on your company’s history and timeline, as well as the background of any key players, past and present. Know your numbers and, most importantly, understand your aims and objectives so that you can accurately convey them to people who may be able to help you achieve them.
Know any other tips and tricks we should share? Leave a comment or Contact Us.