Marketing Horror Stories for Halloween
To celebrate everyone’s favorite spooky holiday in a Mad 4 Marketing way, we thought it would be a good idea to share some harrowing marketing horror stories on All Hallow’s Eve. So sit back, unwrap a mini Milky Way bar and enjoy — you might learn a few lessons to avoid making the same kinds […]
Creating Circles with Google+
For the past two weeks (Part 1 and Part 2), we’ve been discussing why you should be on Google+ (it’s easy to use, it’s useful and it’s the second-biggest social networking site after Facebook — seriously, put down the Twitter app and pick up Google+ instead). But now that you realize how essential this tool […]
6 Big Plusses to Google+ Marketing — Part 2
Last week we began talking about the perks of Google+ and how this social networking tool can be used to your marketing advantage. Here’s even more than you should know to make the most of it: 4. Google+ is as easy to use as any other social networking tool. If you can work Facebook and […]
6 Big Plusses to Google+ Marketing — Part 1
While you’ve been toiling away at keeping your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, website and blog up-to-date, the sleeping giant Google+ has been stirring to life. It’s OK if you haven’t taken the time to familiarize with this behemoth yet — for awhile it seemed like the idea would never catch on. However, now that […]
Alert, SEO Masterminds: Google Changed Its Search Formula
Up to 90 percent of search results will be affected by changes that Google has just made to its much-analyzed SEO algorithm. This update is hugely important — and perhaps alarming — to marketers who make it a business to understand search engine optimization techniques in order to direct traffic to their clients’ websites. This […]