Do you like us? Do you really, really like us?
Well we hope that you do, and we’d love to see you “like” us on Facebook, too.
Mad 4 Marketing’s Facebook page is all about sharing ideas we love and interacting with people who care about innovative, creative marketing.
We’ll never spam you with messages or solicitations, our aim is just provide you with fun, interesting and share-worthy news, updates and links. You’ll only see the things we love — the same kinds of posts and links that we share around the office every day.
Plus, we’d love to hear from you. Hit us with your thoughts and questions. We’re happy to engage with everyone from advertising industry insiders to our own friends and family who love and support what we do.
Learn when we’re celebrating special occasions, hitting new milestones and acquiring cool new clients from South Florida and beyond.
And, of course, you don’t want to miss the latest pics of our office mascot, Star, the cutest little marketer out of all of us (when she isn’t begging for treats or sleepy after her afternoon walk).
Hit us up here and let’s make this the start of a beautiful friendship.