Advertising on Twitter
On the Internet, launching a successful viral video or popular website certainly has its own merit. But gaining brand recognition and traffic may only be part of a complete business model. Once a presence is established, the fastest way to generate revenue is through advertising. Selling valuable advertising space (much like real estate) allows businesses […]
Bridging the Gap Between Print & Web Marketing
One important aspect of marketing is to constantly evolve and stay ahead of the curve. This includes staying on the cutting edge of technology. In the past few decades, there has been a dramatic shift from traditional print marketing to online marketing. Over the years, there has been an increasing gap between these two formats. […]
Mad 4 Marketing CEO Serves as Role Model for Youth Entering the Business World
Chris Madsen, CEO of Mad 4 Marketing, was named to the Junior Achievement 2010 Business Hall of Fame at a ceremony held March 3 at the JA World Huizenga Center at Broward College in Coconut Creek. Madsen was honored along with fellow laureates David Fee of Lotspeich Company, Michael J. Grimme of AMC Liquidators and […]