Top Ways to Market Your Blog – Part 2

Last week, we introduced the premise of using blogs in marketing, and what to do once you have your own blog. In that same vein, this week we are following up with tips for keeping your readers once you have reached out and engaged them in the first place. Getting Readers to Stay on Your […]

Top Ways to Market Your Blog – Part 1

These days, it seems like everyone has a blog. In fact, most business websites would not be complete without one. The trick is to stand out from the herd—because in today’s fast-developing and competitive world of websites, just having a blog is only status quo. In fact, it may even be a waste of time […]

School Resumes and Our Intern Bids M4M Farewell

Well my final day has come and gone, and I can’t help but see the multiple ways this summer could have turned out.  After a rough start, personally and professionally, to my summer break, I desperately searched for an advertising internship of some kind.  It could have been paid, or not; it could have been […]

Trimming your Advertising Budget in Tough Economic Times

Business is slowing down, the cost of doing business is rising, and hard economic times are on the horizon … for everyone. The smart thing to do is to cut expenses. Advertising budgets are often one of the first areas to feel the squeeze, but how will that affect business? Well, print advertising, that won’t […]

Saving the English Language, One Apostrophe at a Time

There might be companies out there with sensational products and excellent marketing strategies, they might even promise the gift of youth, but if they are unable to communicate that correctly to their consumers, why should we believe them? As in the book Eats Shoots and Leaves by Lynn Truss, I take a zero-tolerance approach to […]