5 Secret Perks of Small Business

Better Than Special or Superior? Be First
Everyone wants to be the best product or service in their respective industries. It would be easy to advertise measurable superiority, wouldn’t it? But that’s not always feasible — after all, there’s only room at the top for one. In fact, maybe you’re too niche to ever hit the top of a broad industry. Some […]
Tips for Personal Branding – Part 2
Last week we started discussing the ways you can build your personal brand. First you want to discover the traits about yourself that you wish to turn into your dominant brand characteristics. Then you want to define those by using words and phrases that tie into your overall message. That’s what will trickle down through […]
Tips for Personal Branding – Part 1
Last week we talked about whether one person – not just a business – can be considered a brand. That’s absolutely true, whether you’re a self-employed, one-man company or part of a giant, international corporation. By creating a constructive, consistent reputation in terms of your skills, work ethic and values, you can establish a brand […]
Gift Advertising: Thinking Outside of the Box
With the holidays wrapping up, we began to think creatively about some of the missed marketing opportunities from the recent weeks. Creative businesses might be able to take advantage of corporate gifting in ways they’ve never thought of before. Here are just a few ideas: 1. Wrapping. Have you ever designed your own wrapping paper? […]
The Importance of a Catchy Jingle – Part 2
If you plan to advertise your business on television, radio or a live-person format, having memorable music is a key component. Several decades ago, jingles were a crucial element in successful marketing. Lately, unique tunes are often traded for catchy pop music running beneath an ad. Though royalties for these songs may be expensive, advertisers […]
The Importance of a Catchy Jingle – Part 1
We talk a lot about the importance of visually appealing logos for your business – but what about another classic element to branding, the catchy jingle? A short, brief, original spurt of music that complements your commercial is known as a jingle. Their popularity is often associated with ads on the airwaves in the ‘50s […]
Can We Please See Your ID?
Your company’s identity is absolutely vital to its success. Its image, reputation and aesthetics are all about as important as services rendered. And the very first point of contact that a prospective client or customer has with your company is the logo. On “America’s Next Great Restaurant,” contestants vying to open three branches of a […]
How to Give Clients Gifts: Part 2
Last week, we answered some tough questions about handling gift-giving to clients and affiliates during the holiday season. Here are two more frequently asked gift-giving questions answered, with ideas and examples to help spark your imagination. How can my gift stand out among many others during the holiday season? Don’t Google “unique gifts for clients.” […]
Mad 4 Marketing CEO Serves as Role Model for Youth Entering the Business World
Chris Madsen, CEO of Mad 4 Marketing, was named to the Junior Achievement 2010 Business Hall of Fame at a ceremony held March 3 at the JA World Huizenga Center at Broward College in Coconut Creek. Madsen was honored along with fellow laureates David Fee of Lotspeich Company, Michael J. Grimme of AMC Liquidators and […]