Anyone Can Run With the Creative Big Dogs
Pop quiz: What area is more likely to attract artistic talent – a big city or a rural environment? Obviously, metropolitan environments like New York City, San Francisco or Chicago are known to host large crowds of creative-minded individuals. Because of that, many companies that are located in small towns end up feeling like they […]
Ad Agency Merger Exemplifies Changing Face of Marketing
If you’ve been watching “Mad Men,” you’ve witnessed the magic of Don Draper’s smooth-talking ad pitches that conjure nostalgia and strong visual imagery. Though the show takes place during a time of shifting values and social upheaval, seen both in the advertising world and outside of it, it’s still firmly embedded in an era where […]
Are Ads Getting Too Personal?
Big Brother isn’t just watching you. He’s also trying to sell you something. A 2009 survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California, Berkeley found that two-thirds of participants opposed the idea of targeted ads. And it’s no longer about you falling into a general category and being sent ads that […]
Marketing to Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers make up a significant portion of the American population – and they represent an important, niche demographic for marketers. Comprised of about 76 million individuals born after World War II and before 1964, these individuals collectively represent more than half of the nation’s consumer spending. Granted, that’s a wide margin of ages. The […]
Personalization and Transparency – Part 2
Last week, we discussed Personalization within the framework of your business. Today, we’re identifying ways to personalize your services for customers/clients. This means treating those you’re contacting as if they’re your only audience (not one of a large group) while showing them that you appreciate their business – even if they haven’t elected to use […]
Forever Young: Marketing to Emerging Adults (Part Two)
Last week, we introduced the concept of emerging adulthood as defined and extrapolated upon in a New York Times article by Robin Marantz Henig. The term was created by psychology professor Jeffrey Jensen Arnett to describe the extended growing-up process that’s undergone by today’s youth between late teen years until about age 30. This week […]
Creating Baseline Audience Profiles
So, we’ve already discussed a few reasons and ways to monitor audience responsiveness. But once you’ve got yourself set up in that regard, there’s a more advanced step that you should implement. And that’s creating a customer profile (or set of profiles) by which to base your next campaign strategies. This is just one way […]
5 Key Tips for Sales Prospecting
Many businesses dread the idea of marketing their wares through sales prospecting, such as cold calls and blind mailings. And they should, because the first mistake is thinking of sales prospecting as its own solution, rather than a strategy which paves the way for future marketing endeavors. Sales prospecting is not a way to tell […]