5 Tips to Boost Your Facebook Reach

In July’s newsletter, we wrote about how you can easily grow your organic reach on Facebook by sharing links via photo posts rather than sharing them via URL. Below you’ll find those steps laid out for immediate results, along with four more easy tips to quickly double or even triple your organic reach on Facebook. […]
The Real Cost of Advertising on Facebook

In the past month, blog posts and articles are beginning to pop up asking a very important question that it’s taken a shockingly long time to ask: How much does Facebook actually cost? We’re not talking about buying out the company, of course; but what about your own personal account? Right now, we’re all inundated […]
Social Media Marketing Matters More to Consumers

So, it turns out that your friends really do care what you think when it comes to their purchasing habits. A recent study measured the monetary value of online recommendations and found that shared online content (recommendations on Facebook, for example) has heavy influence over consumer purchases. In fact, the study revealed that a referral […]
Follow Mad 4 Marketing on Facebook

Do you like us? Do you really, really like us? Well we hope that you do, and we’d love to see you “like” us on Facebook, too. Mad 4 Marketing’s Facebook page is all about sharing ideas we love and interacting with people who care about innovative, creative marketing. We’ll never spam you with messages […]
Facebook Privacy Settings & Your Business Page
It’s been a rocky year when it comes to staying safe on social media sites. For example: When you’re posting images and content about your business on your Facebook page, how secure is that information — and do you even exclusively own it anymore? It’s easy to set up and moderate a social media marketing […]
The Oatmeal’s “How to get more likes on Facebook”
We’d love to give you a thorough lesson on how to get more “likes” on Facebook – but comedic website The Oatmeal has already done that for us! And it doesn’t take a long lecture or slideshow presentation; it only requires a series of extremely basic comics that boil down the concept to its simplest […]