10 Ways to Talk About Work at a Dinner Party

Rising Advertising Trends, Part 2: Pop-Up Marketing

Using LinkedIn as a Marketing Tool – Part 1
When you think about how to integrate social media websites into your marketing strategies, your mind probably turns to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even the new Google+ before it considers LinkedIn. This business site is one of the least interactive of all social media communities, with a reputation for being used only to seek jobs […]
M4M Loves “Rhett and Link: Commercial Kings”
Have you checked out the latest series on the Independent Film Channel? It’s called “Rhett and Link: Commercial Kings,” in which two old childhood pals named (you guessed it), Rhett (McLaughlin) and Link (Neal) set out to provide local businesses with professional commercials they might not otherwise have been able to afford. The hook is […]
What is Guerilla Marketing?
When people think about guerilla marketing, typically they think of a specific example—one stunt that made national headlines and became thereafter notorious. Like that time actors rushed a crowded train station to perform a song-and-dance number about the product they were hired to promote. That’s guerilla marketing. This tendency to define the concept by its […]