Twitter’s New Logo

Last week, Twitter unveiled its latest rebranding initiative by showcasing a new blue bird icon. The social networking website, which is known for allowing users to post their thoughts in 140 characters or fewer, has now taken that concise point of view to its logo. The previous bird that was used was a less streamlined […]

Comfort Marketing

Last week, The New York Times published an article about the latest trend in advertising: comfort marketing. This refers to bringing back old mascots, logos and jingles that were successful in the past. It makes viewers reminisce about the brand and reminds them of when they were first introduced to it – and, presumably, that […]

Gift Advertising: Thinking Outside of the Box

With the holidays wrapping up, we began to think creatively about some of the missed marketing opportunities from the recent weeks. Creative businesses might be able to take advantage of corporate gifting in ways they’ve never thought of before. Here are just a few ideas: 1. Wrapping. Have you ever designed your own wrapping paper? […]