Marketing to Women – Fast Facts

Marketing to Women – Fast Facts For the past few weeks, we have been talking about how to adjust your advertising tactics to specifically target the female market. To provide a lighter, broader overview, here are some fun facts, interesting quotes and extra tips we have collected: Quick Quotes –  “When it comes to big […]

The Art of Marketing to Women

Women are responsible for 85% of buying power. In fact, American women spend about seven trillion dollars per year. So if you think you do not need to dedicate time and money to address women in particular with your products and services, then you might as well be throwing money out the window. Mad 4 […]

How Women Will Shop & Spend This Holiday Season

Mad 4 Marketing has always emphasized the importance of marketing to women, who are often put in charge of budgeting and spending in a family scenario. In fact, more than 80% of all consumer purchases are made by women. This holiday season, we’re keeping an eye on the shopping trends of female shoppers, to see […]