4 Principles of Behavioral Psychology That Are Useful to Marketers

Through a deeper understanding of human motivations, decisions, and actions, marketers can craft strategies that not only engage but also enthrall audiences. Here are four pillars of behavioral psychology that are often employed by marketers: But it’s not just about understanding these principles, it’s about integrating them ethically into marketing strategies. It’s a fine balance […]

Have Mobile Users Had Their Fill of Apps?

Today, it seems like everyone has an app. Chipotle has an app. Your dog groomer has an app. Want to see your favorite website from 2004? Too bad, now you need to log on to the app. Does your company need its own app? Maybe—but it’s very possible that you don’t.  That’s because people are […]

Try Before You Buy!

Trying something before you buy it is important to many consumers—it’s fueled shopping experiences like Sephora and Costco for decades. In the absence of being able to try something and then purchase it right on the spot, however, we’ve settled for the ability to purchase something with a full-refund guarantee (“Try this for 30 days […]

What Will Elon Musk’s Twitter Rebrand Cost His Company’s Reputation?

Every time it seems like Elon Musk has done just about all he can to dent Twitter’s reputation, he manages to surprise us. Ever since the billionaire acquired the social media platform for $44 billion in 2022, he’s been making questionable choices about how to lead the ailing company to prosperity in an increasingly crowded […]

Cat Person or Dog Person? The Usefulness of Marketing in Polarities

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Maybe the answer comes to you immediately, although it’s possible that you need to think about it for a second before responding. Either way, one thing’s for sure: The question seems perfectly acceptable.  We’re used to talking about things in polarities: THIS or THAT? In many […]

The Role of Music in Marketing

Music’s impact on a listener’s mood and its ability to impact their psychology has long been recognized—and, before it was empirically studied, we can only imagine that our earliest human ancestors understood this important interplay between music and emotion, intuitively. But the way that music is applied to marketing is a little bit more mysterious. […]

Customizing Digital Marketing in a Privacy-Driven Climate

Personalization is a double-edged blade for marketers. On one side, you want to fully understand your users and deliver the most customized experience possible in order to address their needs. On the other, concerns about data security and privacy protection can make it difficult to thoughtfully collect the information that you need in order to […]

A.I. for Creative

We’ve recently talked about using A.I., like ChatGPT, for copywriting. But now we want to explore another way to use artificial intelligence in marketing—through visual art.  Maybe you’re one of those people who loathes stock images and tries to avoid them. In that case, you might actually enjoy the idea of quickly creating never-before-seen art […]