Should You Subscribe to a New Business Model?

One topic we’ve been thinking about lately is the subscription model, lately popularized by video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. There’s a lot of potential value in bundling your products and services so that customers can subscribe to a range of packages over a longer term. The main advantage is that a subscription service […]

How Smart Marketing Sells Brands and Services

Typically, when companies are putting together a campaign to pull in new business, they want their brand to be at the forefront of their efforts. They not only strive to promote their iconography and key messaging, but also want to provide plenty of “about us” details so that potential clients or customers can make an […]

What is the Secret to Success in New Business?

If I had all the answers, I would be a very wealthy woman.  But I do have a few tips that have helped me over the years. They may not be foolproof, but coming from a New Business background at many ad agencies, I feel they can dramatically increase your chances of gaining new business […]