5 New Year’s Marketing Practices for Small Businesses

Small business owners might feel like they must be especially savvy and stay vigilant to remain competitive with large companies that have seemingly endless budgets and large teams for their marketing efforts. However, a few tips can help small businesses stand out by harnessing the very brand personalities and nimbleness that make them unique. Here […]
Digital Marketing Trends to Expect in 2024

Digital marketers have seen some tremendous changes in the philosophies, platforms, and priorities affecting their work in recent years — and that is likely to remain true in 2024. You can anticipate continued technological advancements, but you will need to learn how they can best serve your objectives by incorporating a deeper understanding of your […]
The Best Ways to Nurture Marketing Interns

The Major Mistakes of Web Marketing – Part 2

In our last post, we introduced a few errors you want to evade when designing your website. Here are four more that will help you side-step common mistakes and build a smarter (and, dare we say, sexier?) website: 4. Not solving a visitor’s problems. Remember that you’re selling yourself here. And remember that sales is […]
The Major Mistakes of Web Marketing – Part 1

Building a website can be tricky. Slapping a few pixelated JPEGs on a Blogger.com account and calling it your business’s homepage just won’t cut it these days (in fact, that’s almost worse than having no Internet presence at all). Websites can be a huge part of what drives business to your door, and it’s important […]
Twitter Ads to Match Your Interests

Big things have been happening over at Twitter, and the way people interact with your ads on the popular message-sharing site will be radically improved. Perhaps in a move to keep up with Facebook’s ever-changing advertising strategies, Twitter said advertisers will soon be able to target their marketing messages to users based on their interests […]
Want Advertising Advice? Ask Facebook

It looks like Facebook wants to befriend small businesses, having recently announced the launch of its new “Facebook Fit” campaign. This boot-camp style workshop is being offered to small businesses in order to teach them how to better utilize the social networking website as a marketing and advertising tool. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s operating chief, says […]
Mozilla Firefox Browser Starts Selling Ads
New users of the popular browser Mozilla Firefox may notice that, when booting up their browser for the first time, they’ll be greeted with a number of tiles that include “sponsored content.” That’s Mozilla’s fancy way of saying they’re now selling ads within their browser. This kind of defeats the purpose of their previously developed […]
A New Way to View Videos on Facebook
In what’s probably exciting news for marketers (and so-so news to the commonplace user), Facebook has this month been playing with new ways to share videos in a person’s News Feed — and that includes video advertisements. Announced mid-December, Facebook’s new video viewing strategy involves allowing viewers to preview content without needing to click on […]
Creating Circles with Google+
For the past two weeks (Part 1 and Part 2), we’ve been discussing why you should be on Google+ (it’s easy to use, it’s useful and it’s the second-biggest social networking site after Facebook — seriously, put down the Twitter app and pick up Google+ instead). But now that you realize how essential this tool […]