Judge A Book, Buy Its Cover: When Packaging Matters

Even toilet paper has to be pretty these days. It’s clear that a product’s design matters when it comes to selling it. Of course, the graphic design of its logo and the creative design of the ads used to market a product also matter a great deal. But, quite often, the item’s package is the […]

What the Most Recent Data Tells Us About B2B Marketing in 2015

Implisit, a company that collects, analyzes and publishes data from its vast customer interaction pipeline, released new statistics about B2B marketing at the end of 2014. This information can help us shape the picture of what this will look like going forward. Here are key facts and figures you should take into account as you […]

An Argument for Mobile App Marketing

The height of marketing power right now may come in the smallest of forms; in fact, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Although marketers have been employing cell phones for years—via call surveys and even text message campaigns, for example—the newest and smartest way to engage on-the-go customers is now by […]