3 Outdated SEO Practices in 2019
If you’re still doing things the old way, you might need to upgrade your SEO. All marketers spend a lot of time and resources these days online. But when you’re putting in that time, you want to be sure that your efforts are seen. In the past, an important approach was to dedicate resources to SEO.
Be the First & Last Stop on Their Search
Be the First & Last Stop on Their Search
Top 5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid
Earlier, we wrote about how important it was that your business has a website that drives potential customers to your pages, and while we touched briefly on the importance of good SEO practices, we thought we’d venture a little further into the important marketing medium that is search engine optimization (SEO). When writing copy for […]
Alert, SEO Masterminds: Google Changed Its Search Formula
Up to 90 percent of search results will be affected by changes that Google has just made to its much-analyzed SEO algorithm. This update is hugely important — and perhaps alarming — to marketers who make it a business to understand search engine optimization techniques in order to direct traffic to their clients’ websites. This […]
The Importance of Alt Text for SEO
Back in the day, many people didn’t understand how SEO was used; in fact, if you talked about SEO, you’d probably have to explain that it meant “search engine optimization” (and then, possibly, also explain what that meant). Now, thankfully, knowledge of SEO principles has become more commonplace. Even if people have never run a […]
Marketing News – Yahoo’s Marketing Dashboard
On May 2, Yahoo debuted a Marketing Dashboard for small businesses. This interface allows managers of small businesses to localize all of their website promotions and social networking strategies so that it’s easier to access and oversee all from one place. Clearly, Yahoo is hoping to be that place. The dashboard offers such features as: […]
Blogging Tips: Screening Comments
When managing a blog, whether it’s independently operated or hosted on your company’s website, one of the responsibilities is handling the comments that visitors leave. As a casual blog reader, you probably didn’t think too much about the behind-the-scenes process when you browsed comments or left your own. But when it comes time for you […]
Promote Your Page with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization is not a science; it is more of an art. While rigid mathematic equations and research methods are used to derive the formulas that rank web pages, the best path to getting your website ranked amongst the top few is still very subjective and controversial. One ongoing debate considers how selective a […]
Search Engine Optimization 101
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of obtaining natural search engine rankings to drive visitors to your website. There are several important factors that search engines such as Google and Yahoo take into consideration when deciding which websites to display at the top of search engine queries: • Inbound Links are the single most important […]