What the Most Recent Data Tells Us About B2B Marketing in 2015

Implisit, a company that collects, analyzes and publishes data from its vast customer interaction pipeline, released new statistics about B2B marketing at the end of 2014. This information can help us shape the picture of what this will look like going forward. Here are key facts and figures you should take into account as you […]

Social Media: Top 5 to Follow in 2015

There are endless resources explaining how you and your business can make the most of social media. But sometimes the best way to hone your own technique is to watch and learn. Certain celebrities have it down to an art. And many businesses put time and money into constantly updating their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter […]

Twitter Ads to Match Your Interests


Big things have been  happening over at Twitter, and the way people interact with your ads on the popular message-sharing site will be radically improved. Perhaps in a move to keep up with Facebook’s ever-changing advertising strategies, Twitter said advertisers will soon be able to target their marketing messages to users based on their interests […]

Going Viral Gets Harder, Thanks to Reddit

Last week, Shareaholic released a report on popular online forum Reddit, which has long been considered a rite of passage for any viral marketing campaign. That is, if you wanted your ad, story or video to hit it big, it basically needed to get picked up and shared by the 731 billion unique visitors that […]

A New Way to View Videos on Facebook

In what’s probably exciting news for marketers (and so-so news to the commonplace user), Facebook has this month been playing with new ways to share videos in a person’s News Feed — and that includes video advertisements. Announced mid-December, Facebook’s new video viewing strategy involves allowing viewers to preview content without needing to click on […]

Snapchat may stand for the wisdom of youth

How does a mobile company that doesn’t sell ads or generate revenue thrive to the point that it can turn down a $3 billion buyout? Well that’s what Snapchat did late this year when Facebook tried to purchase the fledgling company for that startling amount. Clearly, they must have some intel that informs them they’ll […]

VMA Social Media Stats Reveal More Than Miley Cyrus?

While the big topic of conversation following last Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards was obviously Miley Cyrus and her hip-gyrating, tongue-wagging antics, there is another important item that advertisers may want to be focusing on. AdWeek reports that, in a surprising turn, Tumblr and Twitter reported nearly comparable activity levels with posts about the big […]

How to Handle Negative Press

Mad 4 Marketing is a South Florida advertising agency based in Fort Lauderdale, and our own neck of the woods recently provided a great example of the power of social media. Right on the waterfront at the Ft. Lauderdale Beach, there’s a popular local hangout called Dirty Blondes Sports Bar. Over the weekend, there was […]

Celebrities in Advertising: Yay or Nay?

Recently, Mad 4 Marketing had a guest visit the offices from Europe who remarked: “Americans use so many celebrities in their ads. It’s not like that in the rest of the world.” She said that she’d been transfixed by commercial breaks while watching TV, because it seemed like she could name the spokesperson for one […]

Facebook Hits 1 Billion Users

Everyone’s favorite social media can-do giant Facebook hit 1 billion users last week. Despite shaky ratings in recent months – and its notoriously troublesome debut on the stock market last May (as of August, it fell to half its public offering price) – the landmark prompted CEO Mark Zuckerberg to announce it as his own […]