When Is TikTok Marketing Worth It?

Though many people had doubts — and you might have been one of them — TikTok has endured as a social media platform and seems to be sticking it out for the long haul. So it might be time to take a deep breath and ask: Is it time to start thinking about TikTok as […]
5 New Year’s Marketing Practices for Small Businesses

Small business owners might feel like they must be especially savvy and stay vigilant to remain competitive with large companies that have seemingly endless budgets and large teams for their marketing efforts. However, a few tips can help small businesses stand out by harnessing the very brand personalities and nimbleness that make them unique. Here […]
A New Way to View Videos on Facebook
In what’s probably exciting news for marketers (and so-so news to the commonplace user), Facebook has this month been playing with new ways to share videos in a person’s News Feed — and that includes video advertisements. Announced mid-December, Facebook’s new video viewing strategy involves allowing viewers to preview content without needing to click on […]
Follow @AdWeek on Twitter
Are you following @AdWeek on Twitter? Although you may already subscribe to the magazine, we also love the little 140-character tidbits that AdWeek slips us about marketing news throughout the day, when we’re too busy to pick up our magazine or search the Web. Not only do you get the top marketing news live, as […]
Creating Circles with Google+
For the past two weeks (Part 1 and Part 2), we’ve been discussing why you should be on Google+ (it’s easy to use, it’s useful and it’s the second-biggest social networking site after Facebook — seriously, put down the Twitter app and pick up Google+ instead). But now that you realize how essential this tool […]
6 Big Plusses to Google+ Marketing — Part 2
Last week we began talking about the perks of Google+ and how this social networking tool can be used to your marketing advantage. Here’s even more than you should know to make the most of it: 4. Google+ is as easy to use as any other social networking tool. If you can work Facebook and […]
6 Big Plusses to Google+ Marketing — Part 1
While you’ve been toiling away at keeping your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, website and blog up-to-date, the sleeping giant Google+ has been stirring to life. It’s OK if you haven’t taken the time to familiarize with this behemoth yet — for awhile it seemed like the idea would never catch on. However, now that […]
VMA Social Media Stats Reveal More Than Miley Cyrus?
While the big topic of conversation following last Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards was obviously Miley Cyrus and her hip-gyrating, tongue-wagging antics, there is another important item that advertisers may want to be focusing on. AdWeek reports that, in a surprising turn, Tumblr and Twitter reported nearly comparable activity levels with posts about the big […]
Facebook Considers Placing Video Ads in News Feed
Remember last year when advertising started creeping into your news feed? It migrated from Facebook’s sidebar to a more intrusive position right in the middle of your mid-day scroll, between your co-worker’s new baby photos and your sister’s new high score on Candy Crush. But, apparently Facebook hasn’t seen too much backlash from this strategy. […]
How to Handle Negative Press
Mad 4 Marketing is a South Florida advertising agency based in Fort Lauderdale, and our own neck of the woods recently provided a great example of the power of social media. Right on the waterfront at the Ft. Lauderdale Beach, there’s a popular local hangout called Dirty Blondes Sports Bar. Over the weekend, there was […]