Politicizing Commercials
During an election cycle, commercials are used to sell politics. From praising certain candidates to advocating specific ideologies, campaign ads play a big role in persuading millions of Americans to vote and shaping the overall outcome of the elections. Now, in a surprise twist, politics are being used to sell commercials. In a highly charged […]
Super Bowl Commercials: Best and Worst
In the end, it wasn’t a Super Bowl commercial that stole the show on Sunday. It was a post-Super Bowl commercial. Inarguably, the Esurance ad that deliberately ran during the first break AFTER the Super Bowl, starring John Krasinski of “The Office,” is getting the most chatter among marketers today. The gist is something like […]
Here Come the Super Bowl Commercials
It’s that time of year again: Time to get excited about watching the Super Bowl. Or, if you’re like Mad 4 Marketing, then it’s time to get excited about the Super Bowl commercials. There’s just one thing that’s changed the way we look forward to the big event. And that’s the fact that, in a […]
Super Bowl XLVII Commercials — The Scorecard
Last week, we talked about how social media was playing a big role in this year’s Super Bowl. But who’s really the standout in social networking, now that it’s all said and done? Despite the analysis of popularity (Facebook fan page “likes”) and views (YouTube re-watches), Twitter was arguably a winner due to its sheer […]
Super Bowl XLVII Commercials — Looking Ahead
Typically, social media scoops up the traffic reactively as people talk about Super Bowl ads and then re-watch them on sites like YouTube or Hulu — or respond to brand messaging and calls to action by heading online for more information and participation. But this year, top networking sites are getting ahead by having fans […]
Super Bowl XLV Commercials
The Super Bowl just keeps stepping up its game when it comes to selling, promoting and popularizing its commercials, which cost $3 million for 30 seconds on average this year. For the first time ever, Hulu.com showed commercials during Super Bowl XLV through a specialized “channel” (AdZone 2011) that allowed viewers to not only watch […]
Super Bowl XLIII Commercials
While buying commercials during major televised events isn’t exactly modern advertising, the annual post-Super Bowl commercial run-down is still where advertisers look to gauge current consumer responsiveness. Despite the most fastidious analyses of emerging trends, it’s the act of holding a time-honored tradition against itself for comparison that reveals the most about the state of […]