Q&A: All About QR Codes – Part 2
Last week we introduced you to “quick response” codes and how they can be used to help you engage audiences and measure the effectiveness of your ads. In today’s follow-up, we answer three more in-depth questions about the benefits of QR codes. 1. How popular are QR codes in today’s crowded marketing world? Although QR […]
Q&A: All About QR Codes – Part 1
Bar codes used to affect you only while you stood in checkout lines at apparel retailers or grocery stores. But now you’ve seen funny new versions them on advertising from flyers in your mailbox to billboards on your drive home. So what’s the purpose of adding bar codes to print advertisements? The following questions and […]
Creating Baseline Audience Profiles
So, we’ve already discussed a few reasons and ways to monitor audience responsiveness. But once you’ve got yourself set up in that regard, there’s a more advanced step that you should implement. And that’s creating a customer profile (or set of profiles) by which to base your next campaign strategies. This is just one way […]
How did you hear about us?
It always makes sense to ask successfully acquired clients and customers how they came to hear about your business. By carefully comparing how well each of your advertising efforts performs, you can bulldoze past a lot of trial-and-error and simply direct your budget toward what works, both in quantitative and qualitative units. For example, if […]
Email Marketing 101
The best asset in a bad economy is an existing customer database, which can be maintained and built through email marketing. Mad 4 Marketing has obtained some of the best practices for effectively using email marketing. Email is great for conversion and retention marketing, but not that good for acquisition. It should be used as […]