Personalization and Transparency – Part 3

Welcome to the third part of our series dedicated to breaking down barriers between your company and your client/customer base. For the past two weeks, we provided a few examples of how personalizing your services can help you address your audience’s needs and expectations. This week, we’re looking at Transparency. It’s a new age of […]

Personalization and Transparency – Part 2

Last week, we discussed Personalization within the framework of your business. Today, we’re identifying ways to personalize your services for customers/clients. This means treating those you’re contacting as if they’re your only audience (not one of a large group) while showing them that you appreciate their business – even if they haven’t elected to use […]

Personalization and Transparency – Part 1

When you’re promoting yourself or your business, there are certain rules by which you have to abide. You need to offer personalized services and transparent data in order to stand out. But those are just the umbrella topics; by themselves, they may just seem like jargon. In the coming three weeks, Mad 4 Marketing aims […]

Transparency in Advertising: Yelp

We have previously mentioned the importance of being transparent when advertising on the Web. As page viewers become increasingly frustrated by pop-ups, covert ads and run-arounds, they reciprocally appreciate websites that are up-front about what elements are sponsored–as well as those that tailor advertising to most accurately reflect products and topics that readers may actually […]