Twitter Ads to Match Your Interests


Big things have been  happening over at Twitter, and the way people interact with your ads on the popular message-sharing site will be radically improved. Perhaps in a move to keep up with Facebook’s ever-changing advertising strategies, Twitter said advertisers will soon be able to target their marketing messages to users based on their interests […]

Twitter Marketing: When to Retweet (Part 3)

In the second part of our series about how to use retweeting as a tool for marketing, which we ran last week, we discussed how it’s convenient to add to your Twitter presence by merely retweeting someone else’s mention of you. This is an easy promotional tool that doesn’t require you to spend extra energy […]

Twitter Marketing: When to Retweet (Part 2)

Last week we discussed what retweeting is and how it’s commonly used — to share positive feedback about your business and promote alliances within your industry. Another thing that you can do to add content to your Twitter feed is use quoted retweets. Retweeting directly just copies the original tweeter’s exact words and sends it […]

Twitter Marketing: When to Retweet (Part 1)

Retweeting is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to spreading your messages and increasing your presence on Twitter. But when is it appropriate, and when is it just an annoyance? For the uninitiated, retweeting is what happens when you post a message that someone else wrote through your own Twitter account. (This […]

Twitter’s New Logo

Last week, Twitter unveiled its latest rebranding initiative by showcasing a new blue bird icon. The social networking website, which is known for allowing users to post their thoughts in 140 characters or fewer, has now taken that concise point of view to its logo. The previous bird that was used was a less streamlined […]