5 New Year’s Marketing Practices for Small Businesses

Small business owners might feel like they must be especially savvy and stay vigilant to remain competitive with large companies that have seemingly endless budgets and large teams for their marketing efforts. However, a few tips can help small businesses stand out by harnessing the very brand personalities and nimbleness that make them unique. Here […]

4 Quick Tips to Boost SEO in 1 Day

Haven’t updated your website in awhile? We’ve got you. Here are four steps you can take in just one day to easily bring your potentially outdated website into 2017. Take a look and choose: Speed Over Shine Make sure it loads fast rather than looks pretty or has a ton of flash. People are likely […]

The Major Mistakes of Web Marketing – Part 1

Website design

Building a website can be tricky. Slapping a few pixelated JPEGs on a Blogger.com account and calling it your business’s homepage just won’t cut it these days (in fact, that’s almost worse than having no Internet presence at all). Websites can be a huge part of what drives business to your door, and it’s important […]

Applying Viral Headline Tips to Everyday Marketing

Last week we talked about a study by Ripenn that examined thousands of headlines from popular websites (especially those that are known for generating viral content, like BuzzFeed) and collected some of the most common words. This week we want to think about other ways that you can apply the insights that the Ripenn study […]

6 Big Plusses to Google+ Marketing — Part 2

Last week we began talking about the perks of Google+ and how this social networking tool can be used to your marketing advantage. Here’s even more than you should know to make the most of it: 4. Google+ is as easy to use as any other social networking tool. If you can work Facebook and […]

6 Big Plusses to Google+ Marketing — Part 1

While you’ve been toiling away at keeping your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, website and blog up-to-date, the sleeping giant Google+ has been stirring to life. It’s OK if you haven’t taken the time to familiarize with this behemoth yet — for awhile it seemed like the idea would never catch on. However, now that […]

Alert, SEO Masterminds: Google Changed Its Search Formula

Up to 90 percent of search results will be affected by changes that Google has just made to its much-analyzed SEO algorithm. This update is hugely important — and perhaps alarming — to marketers who make it a business to understand search engine optimization techniques in order to direct traffic to their clients’ websites. This […]

The Importance of Alt Text for SEO

Back in the day, many people didn’t understand how SEO was used; in fact, if you talked about SEO, you’d probably have to explain that it meant “search engine optimization” (and then, possibly, also explain what that meant). Now, thankfully, knowledge of SEO principles has become more commonplace. Even if people have never run a […]

How to Handle Negative Press

Mad 4 Marketing is a South Florida advertising agency based in Fort Lauderdale, and our own neck of the woods recently provided a great example of the power of social media. Right on the waterfront at the Ft. Lauderdale Beach, there’s a popular local hangout called Dirty Blondes Sports Bar. Over the weekend, there was […]