Twitter’s New Logo

Last week, Twitter unveiled its latest rebranding initiative by showcasing a new blue bird icon. The social networking website, which is known for allowing users to post their thoughts in 140 characters or fewer, has now taken that concise point of view to its logo.

The previous bird that was used was a less streamlined version, with a downturned wingspan and extraneous tuft of hair on its head. The new image is cleaner and sharper in its angles. It’s actually formulated based on the concept of perfect circles, and each element is part of the arc of small and large circles interwoven. Furthermore, the bird is now raising its wings and head to look forward and upward – and this can certainly also be said for Twitter, which continues to compete with Facebook and Pinterest for the most socially active users through its website as well as mobile applications.

It’s also important to note that this is now the only logo for the company – formerly, the brand was also associated with the bubble lettering of its name, especially just the standalone, lowercase “T.” Now, there are no words at all associated with the image; it is a standalone representation of the company, and so ubiquitous that when people see the image, they already identify it with its brand, so titling becomes redundant. There was even a time when the bird has its own name, Larry, but this cartoon-y characteristic is also no longer necessary to make the symbol identifiable, memorable or likeable.

Previous incarnations have added extra details (like an eye), various coloring (shades of blue and white) or even the bird facing in the opposite direction (left rather than right). The past few versions have followed a trend of removing excess characteristics, and now the bird is super simplified and seems unburdened as it takes flight.

Although plenty of commentators have offered their insights about the new design – with fanciful interpretations ranging from Sonic the Hedgehog to Batman – Twitter’s creative director, Doug Bowman, only had this to say about the rebranding: “Twitter is the bird, and the bird is Twitter.” Very helpful, Doug!

His blog went on to say, “Whether soaring high above the earth to take in a broad view, or flocking with other birds to achieve a common purpose, the bird in flight is the ultimate representation of freedom, hope, and limitless possibility.”

What about you – what do you think the new image means for Twitter?

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