You probably handle a lot of your marketing in-house. But it’s likely you’re wondering if you could be doing more.
If you’re like most companies, you’re probably also stretched thin and unable to complete everything you wish you could, at the highest quality, within a competitive timeframe. Ideally, you’d have a lot more staff and a much higher budget. That’s one of the main reasons that companies turn to outside marketing agencies. They can provide valuable services, as-needed, to close gaps and boost profits.
But if you’re strapped on resources, it makes sense that you need to really consider the potential benefits before you commit to working with an outside agency.
Here are a few of the top things to consider:
• Is your budget better served by stretching across existing projects or wrapping up projects quicker with outside help?
• Are you able to keep up with fast-moving trends and developments in digital marketing and automation?
• Can you afford the latest software for marketing excellence, or is it more affordable to outsource to focused agencies who already have access to the best tools?
• Are you struggling to reach your customers and competing with other businesses to communicate with the same limited pool? Could an outside resource help you identify new audiences or a new approach?
• Do you have the time to not only collect, but also analyze and apply the results from your data?
• Is running a full-fledged marketing department in-house taking away from your company’s budget where it could be better applied elsewhere to deliver your clients and customers the services and products that they relate with your brand name and rely upon your company for in the first place?
• Would you be better served with a blended approach that let your marketing staff focus on the bigger picture, while pulling in outside help for the specialized skills and resources that would free up your team and your time?
If you have an in-house marketing team, that doesn’t mean you can’t have an outside agency on-call. Many modern businesses who moved their agencies in-house are realizing that today’s best approach is a blended approach.
At Mad 4 Marketing, our services can be customized so that you can smoothly bridge the gaps for your business. Our talented staff can supplement the work you’re already doing, when you need it. Contact us anytime for a personalized consultation.