How to Attend Virtual Conferences in 2021: 3 Must-Read Tips

In 2020, we were all still adjusting to the new world of remote working, virtual meetings, and Zoom. But this year, everyone has settled into their new routines and technology of choice.  For 2021’s conference season, industries have fully integrated their typical programming into a virtual format.  Now, the question is: What can we expect […]

Brand New Year, Brand New You

Will you be ready to rebrand in 2021? If the idea of “rebranding” sounds overwhelming, consider the work you’ve already done this year while you were trying so hard to accommodate the changing needs of your investors, vendors, partners, clients, or consumers. Effectively, you might have already been gradually rebranding yourself without even knowing it! […]

Will Zoom Improve Your Client Relationships?

It’s the year of telecommuting, teleconferencing, working from home. People of all ages, in every industry, have adapted to completing tasks online from 9 to 5.  Even kindergarteners are expertly logging on to their laptops, signing in to their screen-sharing services, and going to school in the living room. Grandparents are “visiting” their grandkids through […]

Are You Using the Holidays as an Excuse?

We often talk about how the holidays are an important time for retail-oriented companies to catch up on their profit margins. But many businesses aren’t sales-oriented, and they don’t see their numbers spike when people are purchasing gifts. In fact, plenty of businesses see their sales decline during slow winter months. Worst of all, we […]

Retargeting vs. Reactivation vs. Remarketing

Sometimes marketing can seem more complicated simply because of the vocabulary. Like every other industry, people tend to get caught up in the buzzwords. But it’s always confusing when you enter a conference with professionals in your own field and can’t understand exactly what they’re talking about. Aren’t you all supposed to be in the […]

Do You Get a Lot of Repeat Business? Is It Bad If You Don’t?

For every type of business, there is a segment of your customers that will only engage with you one time. They might make up a large portion of your audience, or they might be relatively rare. For example, if you’re a local taxi service, then people who use your company once are probably pretty likely […]

Relationship Nurturing During Employee Turnover

For many companies, relationships are built through personal, one-on-one nurturing between account reps and account managers.  It’s important to give clients an individual point of contact. This is someone they can get to know and trust; it’s who they can reach out to directly when they require services or have questions.  That’s much more rewarding […]

How Do You Keep Customers? And Why Are You Trying So Hard?

Believe it or not, people are not very good about leaving groups that they belong to–even when they’re very unhappy with the marketing outreach that comes with being part of those groups. It’s so easy to click “unsubscribe,” yet people rarely take the time to remove themselves from pesky email lists. We all learned this […]

The Tedious Task of Tracking Changes: Change Management in Marketing

This has been a year of change for all companies and all industries. Marketers have had to be quick on their feet—with even faster fingers on their keyboards—to keep up. And if you’ve been among those who have even slightly managed to keep it together during this time, then you deserve a big congratulations! However, […]

What’s the Strategy Behind Gated Content?

Have you ever been intrigued by an article online or another form of content (such as a video or interactive guide) and eagerly clicked on a link—only to hit a paywall or sign-up page? You might wonder why a company would go through the trouble of bringing you to their page, only to stop you […]